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Stainless steel kitchenware industry market guide

分享到: QQ空间 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 更多 发布日期:2012/10/20

From a global perspective, the regions affected by economic development, living habits and other factors, stainless steel kitchenware market also have their own characteristics. How to cope with these changes, our country stainless steel kitchenware enterprises face serious problem. According to the China National Hardware Association statistics, in 2010 sales revenue reached 7984000000 yuan, predict 2015, domestic stainless steel kitchenware sales revenue will reach 20444000000 yuan.

Stainless steel kitchenware products a wide range of products, various types of growth momentum

At present, the domestic stainless steel kitchenware market shows the following characteristics:

China's stainless steel kitchenware industry from on the century 90 time begin to start first develop gradually. Industrial transfer in promoting domestic enterprise scale is continually expanding, a growing number of technical level, rising at the same time, also on the domestic stainless steel kitchenware market development plays an important role in promoting. The high-end market positioning of high product quality, high added value, high technology content, the future of domestic high-end market growth will exceed the industry average growth rate, brand awareness and reputation of the enterprise in the competition of high talent showing itself. Town family number rose and middle class number will make the consumption of people capable of further expansion, thereby the consumer goods and the number of quality of the new requirements, to the consumable industry the growth space.


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